Project Summary

Project image thumnail
Project image thumnail
Project image thumnail

Planning Document Scanning and Viewer

Scanned a collection of planning project documents and built a web viewer application to view the scanned documents.

Project Problem

The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority required the digitization of paper planning department records, including large format maps. They also required a web viewer application to search and display the records.

Project Solution

Great Arc scanned a collection of planning project documents and built a web viewer application to view the scanned documents. The delivered viewer also supported document uploads and indexing. It was used to index the original scanned documents including: name, document type (Contract, Correspondence, etc.), location (corridor and mileposts), as well as any other set of user-customizable attributes.

Documents were scanned to PDF documents with OCR (optical character recognition) enabled. When uploaded into the viewer web application, the text contents of each supported document is extracted to a database where it, and any other indexed project and document data, may be searched using the web application.

Project searches will allow users to quickly refine the list of projects and documents that match the search criteria. The search will also refine the display of project locations on an included map interface.

